Friday, November 19, 2021


 1. Celebrating Erasmus days with an event.

2.Partners will present students' works in local/ national media, blogs, websites specialized

local and regional subjects

3.Reporting about the results and budget after the C6 meeting;

4. Dissemination of the results, in this final phase the results will be already total and care will be taken to disseminate them to the groups representing the professors of each

discipline, so that they know the work done in their areas of study concerning the use of ICT,

mental and physical health. there will also be an intention to send this message to the local

political decision-makers at school level, in the idea that any contribution of Fit4Thought to

this scale will already be a great result.

5. Evaluation and conclusions after C6


 1.Evaluation of the project.

2. Preparing final reports to NA.


 Boosting inclusion in diversity


 1.Preparation of C6 mobility in Italy (cultural preparation).

2. Drafting the e-book with articles relating to the methods and techniques of teaching

dyslexic students.

3. Local dissemination of the ebook


1.Preparation of the ebook of articles concerning methods and techniques of working with

dyslexic students.

2. Dissemination of results

3. Evaluation of the project

4. Website, TwinSpace and Facebook updating


 1.Reporting about the results and budget after the C5 meeting in Croatia.

2. Interviews and discussions with students, surveys and analysis of educational

achievement of students.

3. An event concerning eating disorders

4. Workshops for dyslexic students (part II)

5. Website, Facebook and TwinSpace updating


 A healthy mind in a healthy body


 1. Reporting about the results and budget after C4 meeting in Turkey.

2. Evaluation and dissemination of results, interviews and discussions with students.

3.Preparation for the mobility C5 in Croatia (cultural preparation)

4. Meeting in Mental Health Centre

5. Meeting with a health specialist on preparing the event on eating disorders


 1.Safe Internet Day ( 7 February)- each partner will prepare an event with students on safety

in the internet and cyberbullying.

2. Workshops for dyslexic students (part I)

3. Evaluation and dissemination of the project results.

4. Website and TwinSpace updating


 I know how to use ICT and Cyber & Sports Bullying


 1.Preparation for C4 mobility (cultural preparation)

2. Local dissemination of the e-book containing lesson plans with ICT.

3. Publishing the ICT ebook on project's website and TwinSpace.

4. A visit to a Career Centre.

5. Career workshops at schools


 1. Drafting the ebook concerning ICT at school which is going to be presented during C4

2. Preparation for workshops concerning teaching dyslexic students.

3. Christmas Time videoconference on TwinSpace

4. Dissemination. Website updating


 1. Evaluation and dissemination of C3.

2. Interviews and discussions with students.

3.Surveys and analysis of educational achievement of students;

4. Website and TwinSpace updating.

5. Preparation of ebook on ICT in education

6. Evaluation and monitoring after the first year of the project (interim report)


 1. World Mental Health Day( 10 October) - partners will prepare an event mental health at

school and its influence on students' school success.

2. Preparation for the C3 mobility (cultural preparation)

3. Publishing materials on Wold Mental Health Day on the project's website and on


4. Preparing an ebook on the use of ICT at school

5. Mental health workshops (Poland)


 1. Be active, be fit- partners will organise a day out involving sport activities.

2.Posting a photo relation of "Be active, be fit" on Twinspace and project's website.

3. Partners will present traditional sports of the region - meetings, workshops.

4. Publishing report on traditional sports on TwinSpace.

5. Dissemination of the events in media.


 Body, Mind, Madeira


 1.June-October activities, where the teams will work more intensively in the elaboration of

the e-book entitled :"Motivated student -motivated teacher". Each country will present one

lesson plan containing ICT. Students will also prepare learning 4-6 activities with the use of


2. Evaluation and monitoring of the project at the end of the school year.

3. Preparing a presentation on how to spend holidays in a safe way (Poland)


 1. "My hobby" - students will create films presenting their hobbies (one per country) films will

be presented during the C3 mobility in Portugal.

2. Drafting ana ebook containing 6 PE lesson plans.

3. Dissemination of the PE lesson plans ebook

4. Publication of the PE lesson plans ebook on TwinSpace and other media.

5. Surveys and analysis of educational achievement of students.


 1. Before C2 in Poland students prepare short presentations about sport classes at their

schools and publish them on TwinSpace.

2. Reporting C2, evaluation and monitoring. Results of evaluation put on TwiSpace.

3. Dissemination of C2. Students will teach others and manage other students to do the

same things at school level;

4. Surveys and analysis of educational achievement of students

5. Students and teachers prepare an e-book containing 6 lesson plans of Physical Education

(one per country).


 Batteries reloaded - eat, be fit and have fun!


 1.Holding a multidisciplinary conference in the schools of each partner to promote the issues

of physical and mental health at schools.

2.Website and TwinSpace updating.

3.Preparation for C2 in Poland ( cultural classes)

4. Testing parents for language skills (conversation) (Poland) - certificates

5. Health campaign at schools - cancer prevention campaign. Report and results published

on TwinSpace.


 1.Reporting after the C1 meeting in Spain evaluation of the meeting and conclusion. Results

of evaluation published on TwinSpace.

2. Dissemintion of the mobility and the results on project's and school's websites and on


3.The students who took part in Spain, will show, teach the others and manage other

students to do the same things at school level;

4.Surveys and analysis of educational achievement of students;

5. Comparisons and results of discussions,

6. Association of the chosen logo with all the informative and publicity materials of the


7. English classes for parents (Poland)

8. Second meeting with a healthcar specialist on cancer prevention campaign. Putting report

on TwinSpace.


 “I am not what you see"


 1.Students will design relax corners at schools.

2. Schools will organise internal competition on the relax corners.

3. The winning project will be installed in each partner school.

4. Each school will present the winning design on the project's and school website and


5. Meeting with a specialist from a health centre. Students will plan details of a cancer

prevention campaign. Report put on TwinSpace.

6. The beginning of an Englisch


 1.Preparation and realization of a web-conference, where the partners will present the

elements that constitute the working groups of each school (in each school there will be a

teacher responsible for the budget management, others by evaluation and dissemination);

2. Selection of the groups of students for participating in the project, will be provided

(including different abilities, age, low motivation, refugees);

3. Preparations for the mobility in Spain. “We are what we eat”: English classes, cultural


4. Students will prepare a session for the school communities about healthy food.They will

prepare presentations about typical food of the region with special focus to Christmas


5.Students will organise healthy food workshops. They will teach each other how to prepare

healthy snacks for school and they will exchange their experiences on Twinspace.

6. The recipes collected during the workshop will be published on TwinSpace.


 1.Partners will announce the project on the school's website. Dissemination of the

information about granting the project among students, teachers, parents, authorities


2. Completing the project teams in all partner countries;

3. Creating rules for students' recruitment

4. Students' recruitment

5. Preparing a project of mutual agreement between the partners

6.A website and a facebook profile for the project will be created ;

7.A project on eTwinning platform will be created;

8.Partners will start a competition for the logo on TwinSpace, the best logo will be chosen

utill the meeting in Spain.

9. Creating an Erasmus Corner at school

10. Students will present presentations of the countries of the project and publish them on



 1. Celebrating Erasmus days with an event. 2.Partners will present students' works in local/ national media, blogs, websites specialize...